Monday, December 7, 2009

This I Believe about Digital News

This I Believe About Digital News

As the semester comes to a close, I can truly say that I have acquired and obtained knowledge about the subject entitled “digital journalism”. When the semester began, I had no clue as to what I was going to learn. I had no idea that by the end, I would have gained so much knowledge about digital journalism through an online course. Within these past few months, I’ve been truly taught a lot, but the one thing that I do know is that things are ever changing, especially, including journalism. Nothing stays the same for ever and you must always be willing to learn something new.

You see, digital journalism in my opinion is the recreation of journalism itself. It still carries and contains some of the key characteristics of journalism. However, it has new elements. For example, it contains pictures and web pages. It goes beyond the daily paper, but it includes blogs and youtube links. Digital journalism is still evolving so there is no set right or wrong way.

What I believe about digital news is that it allows different individuals to read what they want. There is something for everyone in the world of digital journalism or news. It caters to the niche audience. However, you have to be careful because unlike journalism of the past, various articles may be biased. Which in return, it doesn’t conform to the rule that journalists are supposed to be objective. For this reason alone, I do believe that digital journalism has a growing number of readers. People want to be able to pick and choose their content of reading. Readers want options. It is quite interesting to see how digital news will continue to manifest and grow with the ever growing of technology. What will digital journalism be like in the next five years? Another thing is that digital journalism and news, has allowed for the latest updates of events. Whatever is happening right now can be seen, heard or read not later but as we speak.

As the authors of “Reconstruction of American Journalism” states, “American journalism is at a transformational moment, in which the era of dominant newspapers and influential network news divisions is rapidly giving way to one in which the gathering and distribution of news is more widely dispersed. As almost everyone knows, the economic foundation of the nation’s newspapers, long supported by advertising, is collapsing, and newspapers themselves, which have been the country’s chief source of independent reporting, are shrinking—literally. Fewer journalists are reporting less news in fewer pages, and the hegemony that near-monopoly metropolitan newspapers enjoyed during the last third of the twentieth century, even as their primary audience eroded, is ending. Commercial television news, which was long the chief rival of printed newspapers, has also been losing its audience, its advertising revenue, and its reporting resources.”
What I do appreciate about digital journalism, is that it gives new comers the opportunity to become a journalist, where once before it was hard business to get into. You see its almost like digital journalism is an art form. I mean it does take a certain type of individual to produce a good article. But, that person is now me. This is What I Believe about Digital News, have you learned about it!

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