Monday, September 28, 2009

Have You Forgotten about the U.P.

Go and check out this article. Its very intriquing. How often do you remember the Upper Penisula, when you talk about the state. This article that I found on talks about several different things concerning the U.P. However, the legislature is trying to change somethings where maps would be required to show the Upper Penisula. Go check it out, the title of the article is "Often Left Out, U.P. Ducks Michigan's Worst Woes" by Liane Hansen. It's a great piece. Ironically, just as newspapers are changing, so is npr. NPR is posting pieces online. I never knew...go figure.


Christine Tracy said...

Hi Clifton,
There is a way to include links in your story. I use wordpress, but I'm sure blogger has help to show you how to do this. You can also embede youtube clips and other files to build a blog audience.
Prof Tracy

BehindTheWallIPutUp said...

There is a button on the main strip there that will add a hyperlink. If you hover over the buttons with your mouse they will show what they do. Just helping you out...